Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I should know better

I was feeling very good after writing my last post. It lasted, oh maybe two hours. then I got a phone call that essentially re-informed me that I cannot escape karma that I have created. I have to remember Karma is remedial, it is NOT punitive. Even though at times when my ass is in a sling it sure feels punitive. But the truth is I do have to accept that I am the one that has created my specific situation (all of it, the good the bad and the UGLY).

I say that I cannot escape the karma I have created because I believe that even though I did not know I was creating it I did create it in order to learn a specific lesson in my Spiritual evolution.

After the phone call my attitude took a serious nose dive. If I was in a plane I would have bent over and kissed my ass goodbye as there was no way to pull out before I smashed into the ground at well over 150mph. It would have been a fiery mess, to say the least. As it was I had to keep my self together on the outside and do some serious inner work. That is not a quick for me as it is for some. It took more than a week to straighten my attitude out. I still have some serious adjustment work to complete. But at least my direction has returned.

I said I should have known better because it seems that whenever the pleasure cycle takes over it is only a short time before the pain cycle kicks back in. They call this the PP cycle...

Friday, October 24, 2008

Intention, Consciousness and Harmony

It has been a wild year. I have been challenged on so many fronts, I have grown a LOT, and I have made at least my share (if not much more than my share) of mistakes.

One of the themes that keeps presenting itself to my awareness is about how what I think about my place in the world, or my capability of accomplishing something, or my connection to my own Higher-Power-Within actually manifests. I have seen a direct correlation from my thinking or intention to the effects in my physical life.

My consciousness is also evolving, though I am not as aware of this as I am of my mental-evolution. I strive to see what is my "Soul" as compared to what is my 'mind.' I do believe they are distinctly different entities.

When I am able to keep a simple clear intention in focus I see it take shape and manifest. Not always, of course; but frequently. When I am able to keep the intention of seeing the good in everyone I interact with I see more of their better qualities than when I let that intention slip out of focus. When I intend to receive feedback for my performance in a way that is not degrading to myself or defensive about my actions, or lack thereof, I do learn more from the experience than if I let my mind react to what is being said, or how it is being said.

I still have many, many challenges and areas to grow in, but it has been interesting to observe this theme as it plays throughout my life.

I am also striving to be more aware of trying to find, create and manifest harmony in my life. Some days it works, and other days all I see is a big pile of rubble from the days events. I think that the rubble days are when I get even more disconnected from my Inner-Higher-Power. I do believe we all have an Inner source that can guide us, teach us, protect and nurture us. But it is my experience that this can be hard to find and connect with if I let my mind get in the way.

As I have been told the mind is a terrible leader, but a great servant.

Maybe I will write more about this later.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Stalking my own Wild Pendulum

This is going to be a new blog I am going to try. I decided to not write it under my acupuncture blog because I am no longer an acupuncturist, and I want to spread my wings a bit and explore/express some of my other thoughts.

Again the invitation is there to any and to all to comment and or write to me to develop a discussion. My e-mail is "Acumichael@gmail.com" I would enjoy hearing from anyone that discovers and reads any of my writings.

The title of this post comes from Itzhak Bentov's book. "Stalking the Wild Pendulum." This is a very interesting book that was referred to me by a very good friend. He read some writings by one of our Spiritual teachers that referenced this book and I thought "If Dennis can reference it in his writings there is probably something good for me in it." When my parents gifted us with a gift certificate it to Amazon it was at the top of my list. I am very glad for these circumstances to have aligned to allow me to discover this book.

In the book Mr. Bentov discusses consciousness and perception. I greatly enjoyed his discussion of objective time (as displayed by clocks) and subjective time (as experienced) and how most of the time these two align perfectly {like a 90 degree cross}; but under certain circumstances the axis will shift and our experience of time is different than the objective time. He mentioned meditation, and I also know that adrenaline states will alter subjective time.

About a week after reading this I saw a show on the Science channel that was designed to explore this; although they did not use the terms objective/subjective times. The design was to have an instrument strapped on the wrist of a volunteer that is flashing numbers at a very high-speed. So fast all he saw was a blur. Then he is lifted 150 or 200 feet above ground over a safety net. When he gave the verbal OK, as he was holding on to his wrist and looking at the clock they dropped him into the net below. He was able to see the numbers during 3 falls.

To me that was a great physical experiment with objective/subjective time. But it did not get into the matter Mr. Bentov was discussing as his entrance into subjective time is via higher levels of consciousness.

There is always an issue I deal with every morning as I sit in contemplation. My mind is running around like a monkey on a tree. Work, relationships, finances, pretty much anything. It is very hard for me to settle my mind down and engage it on the Spiritual writings I am reading. I do find it better to be reading than just sitting as in meditation. There the mind is like an electric motor with no load on it. It just spins faster and faster, eventually smoking in ruins... I use "contemplation" of the Spiritual works as a way to engage the free flowing mind and make it settle down. The writings are deep and it does take focus. I love it.

But I am noticing that even between words my mind can jump back into one of its concerns. My question is "Is this a subjective time experience, or just an overactive mind?" Or is there even any difference? I have had the experience of a quiet mind, so I know I am capable of that. But I just "fell into" that state the few times it has happened.

I will continue in this post at another time.
